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Unique just like you: your master`s degree programme with RMS.

The Ruhr Master School provides you with access to the learning opportunities of three universities of applied sciences in the Ruhr area in the fields of engineering, computer science, economics and sustainability. The result is a master's degree programme that can be designed in an individual and interdisciplinary manner.

Master's degree programmes

The RMS study programmes at a glance.

Our overview lists all RMS Master's degree programmes at the three partner universities, sorted by field of study. The basic requirement is a Bachelor's degree in a technical or business degree programme; in addition, the respective admission requirements of the degree programmes apply.

Most degree programmes are offered in German, but there are also international courses in English. These are marked with a flag in the list.




Der Wegweiser für Ihr Masterstudium.

Noch unsicher, wo es hingehen soll? Als Bachelorstudierende erfahren Sie im Studiengangfinder, welche RMS-Masterstudiengänge Sie mit Ihrem Bachelorabschluss belegen können. Dabei sind nicht nur konsekutive Studiengänge möglich, sondern auch neue, fachübergreifende Schwerpunkte im Master.


Compulsory elective catalogue

The building block for your individual career profile.

For each RMS Master's degree programme, additional compulsory elective modules from other university locations and other RMS degree programmes are open and recognised. This expands the range of compulsory electives offered on your own degree programme at your home university in an interdisciplinary and cross-university way. This allows you to tailor your studies to your personal interests and sharpen your individual profile for the labour market. You can also take some compulsory elective modules in a compact block format.





Attending electives across universities with RMS

By enrolling at one of the three RMS universities of applied sciences, you have the opportunity to take selected courses of other degree programmes at your own and partner universities. All you have to do is enroll as a cross-registered student – this is free of charge and gives you access to the necessary systems and facilities at the other RMS universities.


Hochschulübergreifende Wahlpflichtmodule

International offers

Experience makes the difference.

With international work environments and increasing global challenges, we at RMS believe in promoting cross-border, intercultural exchange as well as international competences to prepare our students for an international career. Our international offers are designed to see the bigger picture include the RMS Summer School, RMS Block Week, intercultural trainings and language courses.



Summer School

Master thesis topic exchange

The springboard for your career.

Are you still looking for a topic for your Master's thesis? Then it's worth taking a look at our topic exchange: it gives you an overview of current Master's thesis topics in the RMS degree programs. The diverse pool of topics offers internationally oriented and application-oriented topics. Thanks to the cross-university network, a significantly expanded range of topics is available.


Themenbörse Masterarbeit

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