The Ruhr Master School is a cooperation between Hochschule Bochum, Fachhochschule Dortmund and Westfälischen Hochschulein the field of Master's education. The universities have been working together since 2013 to provide their master's students with an individual and interdisciplinary approach to their studies. To this end, the elective courses offered by the participating master's degree programmes are mutually opened up and recognised and new teaching formats are jointly developed. The RMS programme includes master's courses in the fields of information and electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, economics and sustainability at the three partner universities. Take a look at our image film or click through the other content on this website.
If your master's degree programme is part of the Ruhr Master School, you are automatically also an RMS student and many RMS courses are open to you directly. If you would like to take one of the compulsory elective modules at one of the partner universities, you can submit an application for a second semester on this homepage. Select your desired module in the compulsory electives catalogue and you will automatically be informed whether you need to apply for a second semester.
A separate application is required for events such as summer schools, block weeks or intercultural training courses.
Yes, you can! In principle, you can take part in the Ruhr Master School's courses in any semester of your master's degree.
The compulsory elective modules are each offered by one of the three participating universities. Click on the CE module you are interested in in the compulsory electives catalogue to find out at which location it is offered.
For events such as summer schools, block weeks or intercultural training courses, please refer to our calendar of events.
The best way to do this is directly via the compulsory electives catalogue. Under your degree programme, you will find a current list of compulsory electives that are recognised for your degree programme. If available, information on weekdays and times is also displayed. For each compulsory elective module, you can also view the module description and information on the department that is offering the module by clicking on the module title. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with the contact person for the degree programme listed there or the RMS office at your university.
You can contact the department or the module coordinator to find out whether and how registration for your desired module is organised. Please note that the time or method of registration may vary from department to department and from location to location.
Registration is mandatory for compulsory elective modules in the RMS block week. Information about the modules on offer and registration deadlines as well as the link to the registration portal can be found at www.blockwoche.de .
The procedures for registering for a module examination vary from university to university. The deadlines for registration and deregistration also differ from university to university, but also from department to department!!!
If you are taking a module at one of the partner universities, you will have received the access data for the university information systems via the cross-registration (HS BO and FH DO).
- HS BO: Please register for the module examination via the campus management system or send an email to the relevant study office.
- FH DO: Please use this form toregister for examinations and submit it to the Office of Student Affairs by the deadline.
- WH: By applying for admission as an RMS Student, you are registered at the Westfälische Hochschule. Later in the semester, you will receive the examination registration form by email. You use this to register for the examination at the relevant examination office. Please submit a separate application for each selected compulsory elective module via the compulsory elective catalogue on our website.
If you are taking a module at your own university, but from a degree programme other than your first degree programme, the examination registration works as follows:
- HS BO: Please send an email to the relevant study office.
- FH DO: Please use this form to register for examinations and submit it to the study office by the deadline.
- WH: Please contact the lecturer of the selected module and also the examination office responsible for you.
No, the examinations are taken at the location of the RMS university that offers the compulsory elective module.
You print out your transcript of records using the self-service function at the respective university. If this is not possible, you can have your transcript of records printed out and certified by the examination office/study office at the second university and take it to the examination office/study office at your home university to have the examination results recognised and entered there. In the case of block week modules, the RMS offices will also do this in some cases.
Yes, every university and every faculty has individual rules for awarding grades for compulsory elective modules. You should contact your examination office/study office immediately after passing the module examination. Your RMS coordinator will be pleased to help you with this.
In addition, you have the opportunity to have your international competences certified separately by obtaining the RMS Certificate of International Competences.
You will receive this certificate directly from the Ruhr Master School if you can prove that you have completed a workload totalling 300 hours in three of the four modules of the certificate. The modules include stays abroad, modules in a foreign language or language courses during your master's degree programme, and participation in international events or intercultural training is also recognised. Take a look at our explanatory film and contact your RMS coordinator if you have any questions.
In addition to the compulsory elective modules and the RMS Certificate of International Competences, the RMS offers other attractive programmes and learning formats such as summer schools, specialist conferences and block weeks. In some cases, you can also earn credit points for these events. If your master's programme is part of the Ruhr Master School and you are therefore automatically an RMS student, you can take advantage of these offers at any time. It is not necessary to apply for a second student status, but it is usually necessary to register in advance. Whether credits from these courses are recognised for your studies varies from programme to programme.
The block week is an RMS teaching format that takes place simultaneously at all three universities in the middle of the semester. The idea behind it is both innovative and simple: compulsory elective modules are offered in a compact and intensive form over the course of a week, so that you as a master's student can easily take courses from the other universities and from other degree programmes. For you, this means a week of ‘learning differently’ - namely together and compactly instead of alone and sequentially. All block week modules are accompanied by preparation and follow-up phases that take place online, hybrid or in person. Some of the modules are designed specifically for the block week on an inter-university or interdisciplinary basis and often also involve practice partners. This exchange between neighbouring disciplines, theory and practice enriches the modules and expands your knowledge. English-language modules from the international master's degree programmes at Fachhochschule Dortmund can also be taken as part of the block week.
Take a look at our explanatory film and contact your RMS coordinator if you have any questions.
Fachhochschule Dortmund: Secondary students are deregistered after one semester. You can extend your second degree by submitting a certificate of enrolment from your first degree university at the right time. If you would like to take a module via the RMS again after a break, you can reactivate your second student account by submitting a current certificate of enrolment; you will then be able to keep your matriculation number and email address.
Hochschule Bochum: Secondary students are deregistered after one semester. You can extend your second degree by submitting a certificate of enrolment from your first degree university at the right time.
Westfälische Hochschule: Please contact the Ruhr Master School Projectoffice if you have any questions about your secondary student status.
If you wish to retain your second-student status at Fachhochschule Dortmund or Hochschule Bochum for longer than one semester, please submit a certificate of enrolment from your first-student university to the relevant study office at the second-student university. For the Westfälische Hochschule, please contact the Ruhr Master School Projectoffice.
Students of Hochschule Bochum can find course links to all cross-university courses in the Moodle system of the HS BO under the category ISD > Ruhr Master School > RMS Module FHDO/WH.
Students of the Fachhochschule Dortmund will find course links to all courses of the other two universities in the ILIAS system of the FH DO under the further categories > Ruhr Master School > inter-university courses.
Students of the Westfälische Hochschule can find course links to all cross-university courses in the WHS Moodle system under Home > Ruhr Master School RMS.
You will be redirected to the learning management system (LMS) of the cooperating university. Authentication (login) is not required.
The Ruhr Master School has an e-learning community server (ECS). This is a plug-in that has been installed in each learning management system (LMS) of the three cooperating universities. The ECS ensures that lecturers can publish courses in their own learning management system for the partner universities.
Our tutorial shows you exactly how this works for the three learning management systems at the individual RMS universities.
E-assistants are student or research assistants (SHK / WHK) who support lecturers in the integration of e-learning elements in the context of digital teaching.
Every semester, the Ruhr Master School at the Institute for Academic Success and Didactics (ISD) at Hochschule Bochum offers the key competence module ‘e-support’ as part of the Studium PLUS programme. If you pass the examination, you are entitled to a certificate of attendance with a recognised grade and corresponding ECTS credits. To find out whether the module can be credited to your degree programme, please refer to your module handbook or ask at your study office. You can earn 5 ECTS (6 ECTS with additional credit).
The ‘e-support’ module is aimed at students of Hochschule Bochum and the Westfälischen Hochschule, as it deals with the preparation of materials for the Moodle learning management system, among other things. Students at Fachhochschule Dortmund who work with the ILIAS learning management system, as well as all interested parties who do not wish to acquire ECTS, are welcome to attend the crash course in e-support. The crash course is designed as a self-study programme - the course can be started at any time and can be accessed via all three learning management systems.
Simply contact the RMS coordinator at your university.