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Block Week Summer Term 2025

  • When:
  • Where: RMS-Hochschulen
  • Who: Ruhr Master School

A week of different learning: this summer semester from 05. – 09. May 2025.

05. – 09. May 2025
Some modules start with e-learning units beforehand!

At the RMS-universities FH Dortmund, HS Bochum and Westfälische Hochschule.

Because you can spend a week studying a topic in a compact, intensive and interdisciplinary way.
Because you can more easily attend a programme at one of the partner universities.
Because you get to know other lecturers and new fellow students.
Because you can simply think outside the box of your subject discipline.

The registration is at the 30th March closed.
For some modules, the number of participants is limited and the motto ‘first come - first serve’ applies.
If your chosen block week module takes place at one of the partner universities, please also complete the application form for a second student.

The first block week offers will be available from February and can be found here. Please check back here regularly, even after the registration deadline.

German-language WP modules



  • Learn procedures to implement data confidentiality, integrity, availability and security controls on networks, servers and applications.
  • Understand security principles and how to develop security policies that comply with cybersecurity laws.
  • Apply skills through practice, using labs and Cisco Packet Tracer ( activities.
  • Get immediate feedback on your work through built-in quizzes and tests.
  • Connect with the global Cisco Networking Academy community.


• Elementares Datenmanagement mit R
• Univariate Deskription
• Bivariate Deskription und Exploration
• Parametrische Verteilungsmodelle
• Gängige parametrische Hypothesentests
• Grundlagen von R Markdown



English-language WP modules - creditable for the RMS Certificate of international Competences




  • The course Usability Engineering is focusing on the essential methods and tools to evaluate and measure the effectiveness, efficiency and the joy of use with which a user can perform a task with a given system.
  • The reoccurring scheme throughout the course is the User Centered Design Process: students will learn how to observe and specify a context of use, derive requirements from it, create a prototype and evaluate it.
  • For all those parts of the process specific tools and methods will be introduced, for different phases during the software development.
  • Students will learn about the work in the area of usability engineering from a theoretical viewpoint, by studying state-of-the-art research publications, as well as from a practical point of view, by project examples and case studies.
  • These methods and tools will be applied as well as critically evaluated and checked for potential of improvement. 

Module description


• Introduction and differentiation
• Extended Reality (XR) applications
• Tracking
• Aspects of human perception
• XR input and output devices
• Aspects of human-computer Interaction

Module description

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